
Day 15: 30-Day 60 Second Love Challenge (Five Finger Gratitude)

I have never been more appreciative of having ten fully functioning fingers.

by Deedra Abboud in Mindset
January 15, 2017 0 comments

We don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone. – Boris Yeltsin, Former Russian President

You know when you’re cuticles get those little cuts on them? They are so painful. I usually put bandaids on them until they heal. I have four fingers, two each hand, with bandaids on them.

Today I wanted to cook chicken. As I was cutting the chicken, I was trying not to let my bandaids touch the chicken so I wouldn’t have to change them. I had run out of gloves, so bare hands were required.

I have never been more appreciative of having ten fully functioning fingers.

That’s not something we tend to the think about very often… and we should.

We really need to think about every little thing that we have and be grateful for it. Every. Little. Thing.

What are you forgetting to be grateful for?

Today, I am grateful for all five fingers on each hand.

These videos are all about bringing awareness to the #LoveGlassesRevolution founded by my close friends Tara Ijai & the CHOICE we all have in every moment to see the world around us through the lens of love, empowerment & joy.

Should this 30-day challenge speak to you & you’d like to join the party:
1. Make the decision
2. Choose something that speaks to you that is reflective of love (it can be a video, quotes, art, random acts of kindness, reading a page of your favorite book, etc.)
3. Share it! We could all use more of that! The gift is in both the sharing and receiving.

There is no limit to what we can accomplish together if we share a small part of ourselves with each other. That is love. That is being alive.

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