
Day 6: 30-Day 60 Second Love Challenge (Be Creative)

The world is changing and we need to rise to the challenge.

by Deedra Abboud in Mindset, Social Views, Solutions
December 20, 2016 0 comments

Even as we enter one of the most disruptive eras in human history, one of the biggest challenges we face is that today’s systems and structures still live on, past their expiration date. We are locked into twentieth-century approaches that are holding back the next big fundamental shifts in human capacity. – Bill Jenson, author “Future Strong”

As a result of this outlandish Facebook conversation (pictured above), my Facebook ‘friends’ from all over the country posted that they would love to come over to my home and have coffee with me.

So, I set a date and invited people in and around my city to come to my home for coffee.

The majority of those invited I had never met.

And that’s exactly what we have to do. Try new things. Turn the tables on everything.

The ‘old’ ways are out of date. We need to find new ways to connect to each other. New ways of affecting our world in positive ways. New ways of seeing things. New ways of doing things.

Animation, architecture, assemblage, calligraphy, ceramics, computer, conceptual, artistic design, drawing, folk, graffiti, graphic, illuminated manuscript, illustration, mosaic, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, stained glass, tapestry, and video.

Or having coffee with people you’ve never met for no other reason than to know people you never knew.

This is how you deal with negativity. Change the conversation. Try something new. Make a ripple. Be creative.

These videos are all about bringing awareness to the #LoveGlassesRevolution founded by my close friends Tara Ijai & the CHOICE we all have in every moment to see the world around us through the lens of love, empowerment & joy.

Should this 30-day challenge speak to you & you’d like to join the party:
1. Decide
2. Choose something that speaks to you that is reflective of love (it can be a video, quotes, art, random acts of kindness, reading a page of your favorite book, etc.)
3. Share it! We could all use more of that! The gift is in both the sharing and receiving.

There is no limit to what we can accomplish together if we share a small part of ourselves with each other. That is love. That is being alive.

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